The Squadron 58 stands proudly on the shoulders of its predecessors, carrying forward all the design cues synonymous with a Squadron in a modern and progressive way.
The expansive flybridge provides multiple seating and sunbathing options, all styled to integrate together to create that all important flow and balance while sheltering under the opening hardtop. The rakish exterior lines are both dynamic and elegant that preserve the timeless look of a Squadron, while the three fins adorn the panoramic saloon windows as its badge of distinction.
But it is in the cockpit where the Squadron 58 will take your breath away. Folding balconies, an extending platform and free-standing seating creates the space usually found on an 80' yacht, while the glass transom seamlessly connects you with your environment. The angled patio door invites you into the saloon, the aft galley opens up not only to the cockpit bar but also to the balcony, so cooking on board has never been so sociable. Raised up one step, the saloon is perfectly positioned to soak in the scenery through the large frameless windows that also provide sweeping views from the helm.
Below decks the flow of the bulkheads connect each of the cabins, which are ample in size and refined with details. Discrete lighting providing the mood and fluted panels offer a splash of opulence.
The Squadron 58 is no ordinary flybridge, it will surprise and delight you with its capacity to give so much more than you expect of a yacht of this size.
2024 Best of Boats Award – Finalist for Best Big Boats
2024 Motorboat Awards – Winner for Flybridge Up to 60 ft
2024 World Yacht Trophy Award – Winner for Best Interior Design